“Dziennik Lubelski” No. 194, 21 August 2006

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Artykuł gazeta dziennik lubelski 2006 największa cegła świata rekord guinnessa
Kraśnik. The largest brick of the world in an earthen basin 45 kg brick success of the world
For the fourth time Kraśnik cegielniarze set a Guinness World Record in the category: the size of hand-molded bricks. Since yesterday, the title belongs to the Brickyard with Trojanowscy Rafting Seconds. The largest handmade brick in the world has the dimensions of 62 cm length, 31 cm height and 16 thickness. Record holder is also a record weight or more than 45 kg. Before it went into the oven while still a pig (brick only formed from clay before burning – ed. Ed.) Weighed well over fifty kilograms. This almost impossible task undertaken by Felix Trojanowski, owner of the brickyard. – Our ovens Hoffman are designed for burning bricks of standard dimensions. During this process they are so large. cramps and can not predict how the clay will retain. I therefore do not know how to burn a brick for non-standard dimensions. You have to be prepared that will be surprises. In this case it was necessary to experiment at every stage of the production of bricks record holder – emphasizes Felix Trojanowski, who reveals that the brick kiln firing workers prepared the 30 bricks of salads. Already during drying in the square sunk around or broke down twenty, went to burn ten. Bricks were sitting in the oven fourteen days including two at the highest temperature of over 1100 degrees Celscjusza. Well burned four, and two obłupały. – So the thirty largest bricks of the world throughout the production process were suddenly only two – says Trojanowski. Bricks were presented yesterday at the Kraśnik Square during the annual festival organized by the local brickyard owners or festival .Kup Mr. Brick. “Day is an excellent opportunity to promote Kraśnik brick, which is known throughout the world. Today brick from Kraśnik is mainly used for the restoration of monuments in Germany, France, Belgium and England. In Poland, most riding her Pomerania and the western border, where it is the main building block of the restoration of many castles.