Our facing bricks were used in the construction of the Church 24

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Cegła kościół 24h od producenta manufaktury Cegielnia Trojanowscy
Residents Skarszew Pomerania during the day they built a small church. In this way, the feat was repeated Evangelicals in 1741. An unusual construction began at midnight on Friday. – Workers are constantly working on the construction of the church until midnight on Saturday – says the mayor Skarszew, Dariusz Skalski. – Managed to complete the construction before the agreed time, and at exactly 23.36. The record was beaten – he adds with satisfaction. At the construction site in Skarszewy overnight change worked about 100 people.
Source: http://www.tvn24.pl.

You can read more here: http://www.tvn24.pl/pomorze,42/zbudowali-kosciol-w-24-godziny-rekord-pobity,354678.html