Face brick / elevation brick

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Face brick / elevation brick

Face brick / elevation brick is one of the most popular bricks in a brickyard produced Trojanowscy. They are called differently brick façade or veneers. Thanks to its versatile characteristics and qualities are ideal for many different applications. Face brick / elevation brick is ideal for masonry, building facades on three-layer walls, curtain walls or building construction chimneys. Moulded and is often used for decorative interior walls.

What is a brick facing, facade for elevation?

Face brick and elevation brick is the same. Therefore, their main use is to use them out. They do not need additional security in the form of plaster. Thanks allow you to create beautiful facades. They are full of bricks characterized by low water absorption.

How does it differ from the face brick clinker?

Concepts brick clinkier and face they are often used interchangeably. This is a mistake. Bricks belong to one group brick façade , but in our country they are delimited. The key distinction separating the face bricks of clinker is the level of absorption and hardness. In addition, the bricks are determined by the Polish Standard PN-B-12061: 1996 and the European standard EN 771-1. These standards specify the requirements for masonry ceramic components and precisely define requirements clinker bricks. The main differences between the elevation brick, such as brick tile and bricks clinker include low water absorption and 6%, class of compressive strength at least 25, as well as greater resistance to weather conditions. Clinker bricks owe their name to a specific sound that appear when hitting one brick on another. Clinker is derived from the Dutch word “klinken” or “call”. Currently in force since 2006, the European standard does not distinguish between clinker bricks and face bricks. However, it is known that such a division is still functioning.

Where used face bricks and where clinker?

Clinker brick because of their better performance (less absorption and greater strength) is used in building hydro – eg. To create the riversides, building pumping stations or channels. Perfect for any place where you will have direct contact with the water. Face brick due to their somewhat worse parameters are used in traditional construction for the implementation of the facade, masonry, or build structures towers.