Kraśnicka brick saves Europe
Interview with Felix Trojanowskim, the owner of a brickyard in Splavy II, near Kraśnik, vice president of the National Association of Manufacturers of Construction Materials “CERBUD.”
Andrew Wojtan: You won a prize at the fair conservation MAINTENANCE, 2005 in Torun. For what this award?
Felix Trojanowski: I scored the first award for the complete set of bricks and the Gothic buildings made the traditional way – by hand in wooden molds. I showed also the methods and effects of the natural coloring of their products and ways of “aging” to look as close as possible to the playing pieces of historic buildings and structures.
Is that success comes easy?
It’s years of work and sacrifice. Brickyard, which took over from his parents 20 years ago I switched completely modernized and technology to perform multiple ceramic elements. Most of the buildings now renovated and historic buildings in Poland use my bricks and shapes.
How did the success of Kraśnik brick?
Kraśnicka brick produced with a very rich clay deposits of loess has many benefits unattainable for bricks “prints”, squeezed machine. Hand-made in wooden molds, as centuries ago, allows the execution of orders very small, for example, several hundred pieces. Never, no one refused, often risked, sometimes “tore off”, but “do not take risks …”. Kon¬erwatorzy appreciate it.
But there are different The views.
They irritated me some homegrown “builders” or investors, whose only test the usefulness of the bricks is throwing one of the second or throwing on the floor. It has nothing to do with the strength and work of brick in the wall. I know, because I have 30 years building qualifications without limitation engineering for the design, conduct construction and project supervision. I also saw in Iraq (where for several years I led large construction export), the largest brick gaps in the world, in the palace circle Vizier of Baghdad, built in the VIII-IX century AD. And still stands today, just as many centuries-old buildings and structures in Europe. A contemporary “miraculous” substitutes building materials scatter after several years.
Five years ago, most of the dozen or so Kraśnik brickyard was close to bankruptcy. How the Lord this metamorphosis?
It is true. Greed ministerial officials meant that as a result of imprecise provisions demanded from us the rate of property tax per square meter more than a jewelry store in Warsaw. So it was a good car per year from the brick factory for unsaturated and hungry “social justice” pseudo-hosts. I was close to “surrender”. Then established an initiative group brickyard owners of Kraśnika, joined us Eng. Andrzej Rej, provided from 1 July 2001, the National Association of Manufacturers of Building Materials “CERBUD”, which he is president.
Pan Exports its products abroad. How did it start?
It helped me many years of managing the work on construction of export and carrying out the export department in Lublin “industrialist”. Familiarity among partners abroad know their mentality is half the battle. And when the signal came from the Association “CERBUD” about seeking produced handmade brick entrepreneurs from abroad, I had no doubt that it is precisely this moment. Six of us started to export to England, I was left alone with the brickworks state Osiniaków.