The road to the village of brick
Brick-making in the area of the Lublin Kraśnika have an extremely turbulent history. Traditions brick Kraśnik date back to the Middle Ages supposedly. A more recent history is the period just before the First World War. After the war, in the years of the fifties, these companies were nationalized. Only in the sixties began to appear brickyards private. Some have survived to this day. It is not easy now to find in Poland and Europe, places where brick is used for making as here – by hand and fired in kilns hofmanowskich, according to century-old technology.
Since the sixties of the last century kraśnicki region is known as a hub of peasant brickyard. Perfect g | ins for the production of bricks abound, so used to the local farmers. Then almost every host on your plot put the shed, a local craftsman doing stirrer clay and so massively developed production of ceramic brick. Sufficient building materials made up like mushrooms in the Kraśnik villages began to grow massively modern residential buildings, spacious barns and piggeries. Throughout the county Kraśnik operated when more than 100 brick factory with furnaces for firing bricks. Over time the bricks began coming here for the people of northern or western Polish. It is impossible to count how many million units of bricks produced in the region Kraśnik, but you can tell that a lot, as evidenced by numerous pits excavated the clay.
In September 1971, interest among Warsaw aroused unusual cavalcade made up of over twenty trucks making their way to the castle courtyard. The destination spoke inscriptions on the trucks, “Kraśnicka brick Castle.” It was the first delivery of the bricks produced for the needs of the Castle in action
social teams of production and firing bricks in the area. Kraśnik. Then handed over 42 thousand. pieces of brick.
The flourishing brickyards followed the nineties of the last century. Then the problems started. Decreased interest villagers housing livestock. Gradually began to come into use other competitive construction material. Before the year 2000 significantly increased property taxes. Each brick factory must have a place large area needed for manual production of pig iron, burnt brick and bring droughts. And they are used only in season from May to October. In 2001, the owners of the brick factory within Kraśnicka Chamber of Commerce founded an association and protested against the high taxes. They argued that a tax of 8 zł per 1 square meter shed load gives an annual order of several thousand of each brick factory, and often exceeds the net profit of the owner. With time tax regulations in this area have changed little in their favor. However, the reduction in demand for bricks, too great a burden on other charges, increase in prices of electricity and coal for firing the bricks began to restrict the activity brickyard. Currently the district operates them about 15. – A pity, because our brick is
many advantages over so-produced from clays. “Journal clubs”. It is warmer, better absorbs and releases moisture, causing no “sweating” walls, gives a better base for plaster, is fully hardy plant – says Felix Trojanowski – the brickyard “Trojanowscy” s. C. In Splavy II.
– The advantages of our bricks formed by hand and baked in the traditional way saw architects supervising the restoration works and conservation. Thanks to our brick was used for the work in Wilanow and other objects of historical and religious in Poland and abroad. Currently, we export our products to England, Germany and France to give everywhere a positive opinion
contractors – adds Mr. Felix. In this case, successive generations of the family Trojanowski working to improve the quality of the bricks and achieve considerable success. In the brickyard used for making about 40 different shapes and sizes of brick.
Other owners brickyard are not so optimistic. – Quickly rising production costs, ruining our contributions to the Social Insurance Institution and ecological fees, and the brick is not more expensive; – Complains one of the owners of the liquidated brickworks. The problem is finding a reliable employee, because people prefer to go to work abroad or collect benefits for the landless – speak and Zygmunt Rak, the owner of the brick factory from Kraśnika.
Since the slump in 1991, in the last few
Between sale brick housing increased gradually, but this year due to the general crisis, is again a problem. Small, seasonal working brickyards are now a major producer of building ceramics. The market economy relentlessly works on the weaker, less competitive. But it seems that few of them, as brickyard Trojanowski or Osiniaków able to meet the needs of the market, successfully adapting your product to the requirements of standards